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Totally natural weight loss program:


-no drugs,


-no operation,


-no exercise,


-no starving


-loss weight 5kg - 15kg in one month


-eat more loss more


SP package: $998 /10 sessions($150 each session)

價格:單次$150 10次特價$998




Acupressure is an ancient healing art where the fingers are used to press key points that stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms. Using the power and sensitivity of the hand, this 5,000-year old technique effectively relieves pain, balances body energy, and promotes good health and well-being. Acupressure, just like any other energy healing therapy, relieves stress by reducing muscular tension, increasing circulation, and enabling deep relaxation.



How does it work?


Our energy flow affects how we feel, how we think, and our health situation. The energy or the life force energy flows through definite channels in the body, called meridians or energy pathways. When the body’s life-force energy becomes blocked, various imbalances result. Life force energy gets blocked from stress, trauma or injury, and bad lifestyle habits. This is the cause of all ill health.

The meridian pathways thus govern the functions of all body systems, for example, the nervous system, digestive system, reproductive system, endocrine system, etc. The meridian pathways have special meridian points that are linked to various organs in the body. When one or more meridian is blocked, you will have problems in that area. 

The basis of acupressure points stimulating is that pressuring, magnetic stimulating and cupping to specific pressure points in the meridian pathway will allow the energy to flow freely and restore balance to the affected organ.

When the meridians for the digestive system are blocked, you will have various problems with digestion and hormone secretion, leading you to gain weight. Massaging the pressure points will make the energy flow and balance will be restored.

This weight loss program is to restore your body balance with food management to get your weight reduced to the level  you want, keep you fit and healthy again.


What are the advantages compared with other weight loss programs?


No matter losing weight through exercise, diet, clinic fat burning or taking drugs, weight re-gain is the common issue. Fat does not keep being consumed if stop practice. However, as this program is to break blockages  and restore body balance, fat is hard to accumulate in the body. Weight most likely will not be re-gain once standard weight has been reached.

Besides, in some cases, certain illness potentially related to overweight, like high blood pressure, are improved when weight reduced.

簡單講,不易復胖。為什麼呢? 無論是通過運動,飲食,診所燃燒脂肪或服用藥物來減輕體重,只要你停下,體重就回來了。因為你脂肪不會繼續消耗,但我們的課程是先排毒後並恢復身體平衡改善體質,因此脂肪很難在體內積聚。 一旦達到標準體重,體重很可能不會再增加。而且,有機會改善某些與超重有關的疾病,例如心血管疾病或高血壓。讓整體更為健康。

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